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3 Lies About Pornography That Could Be Destroying Your Marriage


Thank you for subscribing, friend. Today’s post is serious, yet needful. Please don’t opt out, saying to yourself, "This isn’t for me, pornography doesn’t affect anyone in my family”. Porn addiction has been historically seen as a man’s problem, but porn addiction grips women and children (yes, children) at younger ages than ever before. And porn addiction is at epidemic levels. Please read and share with anyone you know who struggles with porn. Talk with your families about it. Educate your children. We can win this battle!

Josh never thought he had a problem. He was like most other young teens who discovered porn while surfing online. I’ve got this, he told himself. No harm, right? No one will ever know. What he didn’t realize then was that as he entered his early twenties, what began as occasional browsing grew into full-blown addiction. As the stresses of his career and marriage increased, so did his dependence on porn. When his wife discovered his secret, his addiction was exposed, leaving him no choice but to address the role of pornography in his life.  

There are currently over 24.5 million different pornographic websites on the Internet, which represents approximately 12% of all websites. What’s more, at any given time, approximately 30,000 people are looking at porn.

Here are 3 lies we believe about pornography that could be destroying our lives and our marriages.

Lie #1: Pornography isn’t that big of a deal                                 

We tell ourselves, ‘Boys will be boys.’ Generations of men and women dismiss the magnitude of the problem with porn because they view it as a rite of passage. They remember looking at magazines in their friend’s backyard and see it as a harmless pastime. 

It’s not a harmless pastime. It wasn’t then and it certainly isn’t now. The size and scope of pornography usage is staggering. According to Barna Research, 62% of men who claim to be Christian view pornography at least once a month. This is nearly two out of three Christian men.

Yet, this isn’t just a male problem. Barna’s research also shows that more than 15% of Christian women view pornography at least once a month. What this percentage doesn’t factor in are the countless women who regularly report reading erotica and explicit romance novels that depict graphic fantasies for the reader. 

Research is also revealing that younger generations of Americans—particularly those who accessed the internet during adolescence—have shown the greatest increase in pornography use over the past few decades. According to a Pure Passion – Mastering Life Ministries, a recent Symantec-funded study found that,among kids seven and under, the fourth-most-sought search term (after Youtube, Google, and Facebook) was ‘porn.’ Even more surprisingly, these kids are more curious about porn than their older siblings: for teens, porn was sixth; for tweens, eleventh.

Because porn addiction has a similar neuronal pathway to drug addiction, porn users are likely to develop dependence and tolerance, requiring the consumption of increasingly graphic and atypical sexual material in order to get the same high as they did previously. This can lead to desensitization as well as antisocial sexual behaviors including rape, physical assault, promiscuity, and the normalization of violence towards women.

The truth: Pornography is a big deal. Its usage isn’t declining within the Christian community. On the contrary, it is rising and it is entrapping individuals at younger ages than ever before. CLICK TO TWEET God wants His people to be ‘set apart,’ ‘pure,’ ‘undefiled.’ He wants us to be able to enjoy sex in our marriages the way He intended —as an intimate, beautiful reflection of His love for us.  

Lie #2: Pornography helps increase intimacy in marriage

For years, many in the field of psychology downplayed the negative effects of pornography, suggesting porn could be normal, even healthy. Many marriage counselors encouraged couples to accept porn use, some even recommending it in the hopes of increasing intimacy for couples who were struggling. However, in an open letter to readers in 2016, leading relationship researcher Dr. John Gottmancorrected his previous recommendation and nowstands by research that indicates porn is indeed destructive to intimacy. 

The statistics fully support his findings. Psychology Todayreported testimony from a 2004 Senate hearing where Dr. Jill Manning shared her findings that 56% of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.Another source, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, polled 350 divorce attorneys in 2003 where two thirds of them reported that the Internet played a significant role in the divorces, with excessive interest in online porn contributingto more than half of such cases.

The reason is that sex was intended to be between one man and one woman, within the safety and commitment of marriage, to keep them facing each other, working with each other, united in body, soul, and mind. Sex was God’s great gift for couples to enjoy each other and find both deep connection and satisfaction with each other. True intimacy involves both knowing and being fully known by another. 

1 Corinthians 13:12 shares, Then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

To the contrary, pornography steals intimacy and fosters dissatisfaction in couples. Cynical attitudes about love emerge, leading people to believe that the best sexual experiences can be attained without affection or love. For many, porn use becomes an easy means of escaping the challenges of marriage and prepares them to disinvest in their marriage.

In her book,Pornified,Pamela Paul notes that, Pornography gives men the false impression that sex and pleasure are entirely divorced from relationships. Porn creates an entirely self-centered sexual experience because it doesn't require that husbands be lovers of their wives. Gratification is quick, easy, always guaranteed.  Intimacy is abandoned as a goal in favor of personal pleasure. It substitutes loving our mate for loving ourselves.

The truth: Porn use destroys marital intimacy and significantly increases the chances that your marriage will end. We must remove anything the enemy could use to get a foothold into our lives, our homes, our marriages, and our families. We must protect the very relationship we value most. CLICK TO TWEET God wants to heal marriages. He desires to restore and redeem everything that satan has tried to destroy. He can bring more intimacy and satisfaction than we ever thought possible. CLICK TO TWEET

Lie #3: Pornography helps people stay faithful to their spouses

In my clinical practice, couples often report using pornography as a way to spice up their sex lives and strengthen their connection in order to prevent them from moving outside the relationship for sexual satisfaction. What they ultimately find, however, is that it actually breeds problematic sexual encounters and a growing distance in their relationship.

The reason is as with any other addiction, the stimulus that creates arousal at first works less over time and requires more intense, more heightened pornographic images. Dr Gottman describes, 

With pornography use, much more of a normal stimulus may eventually be needed to achieve the response a supernormal stimulus evokes. In contrast, ordinary levels of the stimulus are no longer interesting. This may be how normal sex becomes much less interesting for porn users. The data supports this conclusion. In fact, use of pornography by one partner leads the couple to have far less sex and ultimately reduces relationship satisfaction.

Research done by Steven Stack of Wayne State Universityshowed that pornography use increased the marital infidelity rate by more than 300 percent.Another study found a strong correlation between viewing Internet pornography and sexually permissive behavior.With regular porn use, couples report experiencing increased depression, anxiety, and a whole host of trauma-related illnesses and decreased safety and trust in the relationship. They begin to view the institution of marriage as sexually confining,diminishing the belief in the importance of marital faithfulness,and intensifying doubts about the value of marriage itself.

John 8:44 tells us that satan is the ‘father of lies.’ He is using pornography to entice couples to forsake the real, intimate connection found in marriage in exchange for a cheap counterfeit that porn provides.  CLICK TO TWEET

The truth:  Pornography doesn’t help couples stay faithful. It destroys the emotional safety in the marriage and in many cases, leads to increased infidelity as well as the breakdown of the marriage. Couples need to be taught from the pulpit and in Bible Studies the facts about what God desires for their marriages. We need to be equipped, strengthened, and fortified so we can protect our marriages and our families.

How To Take Back Your Marriage

Change always starts with us as individuals. Each of us must look within our heart to understand the impact pornography has had on our view of ourselves and our marriage.

Couple's therapist Laurie Watson writes in Psychology Today,Making love is hard. Sexuality is complex and complicated, relational and physical for us.… But sex is glue in a marriage — in fact, it's cement. There's unparalleled joy in feeling connected to another real person through deep physical intimacy. Sex is the pinnacle of this connection, and it requires a man — a real man — to negotiate the rigorous landscape of making love to a real woman.

Sex takes hard work in a marriage. At times, learning to navigate the complex dance of the sexual relationship can prove challenging, but if we want the deepest kind of intimacy with our spouse, it will require us to come face to face with our spouse and begin sharing openly and honestly. It will demand each of us as individuals to look at our own historic wounds and vulnerabilities in order to address them, heal them. Find freedom from them.

James 5:16 tells us, Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. 

The truth is, as long as your porn usage stays hidden in your life or marriage, you will never find freedom, nor will you experience the true intimacy you desire most.  Many struggle yet walk away from the reality of what’s destroying their marriage—uncertain of what change will look like, or perhaps unable to believe that life really could look different.

If you struggle with pornography in your life or your marriage, take the next step now. Bring it into the light.  Porn requires darkness and secrecy to maintain its hold on you. The light is where God dwells, where healing happens, and where new life begins.  

Ephesians 5:13-14 encourages us, But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, 'Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’

Where Can I Get Help?

The great news is whether the pornography usage in your marriage reaches the level of addiction or not, you can change your relationship with porn and change your life.

There are resources and websites that can help both of you to be accountable to each other like Covenant Eyesor Pure Passion: Mastering Life Ministries, which are both dedicated to helping individuals and couples find freedom from pornography and addiction. Find a strong Christian therapist to help you and your spouse learn to communicate about sex, deal with pornography abuse and/or addiction, and learn to engage sex in a deeply intimate, yet healthy way.

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



When Grief Feels Like A Forever Good Friday

Sorrow . . . turns out to be not a state but a process, 

 It needs not a map but a history. _C. S. Lewis

I stumbled onto dry bones. There’s a wasteland of them, and at times they still overwhelm my heart.

Months and even years can pass while I stay far away from the path that leads me there, to the empty place.  But one word, one moment, one look can steal my heart away from its present calm and drop me right in the middle of this desolate graveyard.

My family is on a healing journey, and it’s forcing me to open the door to a pain I thought I could escape.  It turns out I can’t.

Grief , it seems, can feel like a forever Good Friday. The terror of the night sky that drapes the midday sun —the tears, the guilt, at times the numb indifference— how they rip a heart from top to bottom, all in a singular exhale.  Sorrow unmercifully crushes the soft confines of the soul and crumbles hope into a thousand tiny clumps of clay. Right before my eyes.

My soul cries out…

How do I let go?

How can I run away from this place?

Will life ever feel safe again?

What could I have done to prevent this pain?

These are the things that spill through the cracks in my heart.

I wonder if that’s what Mary Magdalene felt on that day —that Good Friday when her world fell apart, when everything that was Truth and Life was lifted on two rough-hewn pieces of timber and there was nothing she could do to stop it? Nothing she could do to silence the sound of nails piercing flesh. Nothing she could do to lift Him up for one more gasp of air.  Nothing.

Grief is the emotional realization that life will never be the same from this moment forward.  It is the helpless struggle to accept that there is nothing we can change or control.  It is our heart’s final surrender to loss. CLICK TO TWEET

Jesus knows the pain of grief and anguish.  He knows precisely the darkness of Good Friday —how walking towards God’s plan didn’t quell the agony, didn’t calm the fear, didn’t right the wrongs of injustice, didn’t prevent the exhaustion, the dread, the total destruction of body and soul.  Each step He took towards the cross.  His death.

And sometimes I can get stuck right there.  I don’t want to but I do.  I can get stuck in the pain of my present circumstances.  I can cling to my sorrows and drag them behind me as my cross. I can crave them as familiar companions to protect my heart from risking again.  I can keep them close to numb myself from moving forward into the unknown —alone.  

There are three things to remember when your grief seems like a forever Good Friday:

Good Friday visits each of us.  

Ann Voskamp declares, Life is loss.  Life on this earth will always be accompanied by death —physical death and emotional death.

Jesus knew his Good Friday was coming.  He had lived preparing for it His whole life, yet it didn’t make His suffering any easier. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He offered, Not my will, but Yours be done (Matt 26:39, NIV) In surrendering to God’s plan, He tells each of us that we too can surrender to our grief, we can accept the cup of suffering knowing He is with us every step of the way.  Understanding that He knows perfectly what it means to be broken.  Spilled out.  Empty. CLICK TO TWEET

Don’t try to hide from the pain of grief, don’t try to get around it.  You will never escape it.  Grief is the medicine God uses to heal the loss-disease that infects the most vulnerable places in our hearts.  Healing happens in hard places.  CLICK TO TWEET

The sky will feel black as night.  The thunder will terrify the uncertain tremors in your heart.  You will feel as if hope will never rise again…

But it will.

Good Friday’s don’t last forever.

Even in death, God prepares life.  As I learn to expose my fragile, wounded self and accept the cold discomfort of living outside my knowing, God is always right here waiting— waiting to comfort me, waiting to hold me, waiting to feel the sorrow with me.  

I hear Him as He whispers quietly,

Hold on.

Stay close.

I’m not going anywhere.

You’re safe here. CLICK TO TWEET

I wonder if Jesus whispered those words from the cross to Mary Magdalene that Good Friday?  I wonder if He was comforting her as He gave Himself for her?  I wonder if she felt His presence with her on her road to Sunday?

Your grief will groan for a season.  There is no time schedule, no tempo that is dictated to you, even if others need you to hurry along.  God never needs you to hurry along.  He waits patiently with you while you heal.  

He knows…

Easter is on the horizon.

Whatever is pressing within us, whatever sorrow has been exposed bone and marrow, grief will always leads us to the tomb.  Like Mary Magdalene that Easter morning, in the midst of her pain—searching, seeking her Rabbi, her Friend, her Messiah.  She could not have felt, she couldn’t have believed the tomb was empty.  She could never have comprehended that Easter had arrived.  Death had been defeated.  Her salvation had come.  A new season with new life and new hope had been born. CLICK TO TWEET

Right in the middle of a graveyard.  There— in a sea of dry bones.

And all our present pain, all of our brokenness and suffering, all the losses, perhaps all our darkest moments, become places where we can see Him the clearest.  I don’t know about you, but I can. I can see Him around me working and moving.  I see Him raising up dry bones in you and me.  I see Him moving in our midst —reclaiming hopes and hearts, families and dreams.  

He is our Sunday morning.  He is our resurrection hope.  He’s the healing for our wounded hearts.

Good Fridays can seem like forever…

But Easter Sunday is coming!

About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Three Ways To Surrender Judgment and Welcome a Heart of Compassion

Do you find yourself judging others? Sometimes I do, and I don’t like it. It’s not God’s best for me. I can never experience the abundant life God desires as long as I allow judgment to fester inside and spread like a cancer through my heart. Little by little I am learning to surrender judgment and replace it with compassion and blessing. Here’s how…



My Prayer for 2019 – How To Hope For Things That Feel Hopeless

My Prayer - How To Hope For Things That Feel Hopeless

It was that dreaded sound —the sound of hope giving way to defeat. The ache right in the center of your chest when a dream flies away before your eyes and no amount of chasing can bring it back within your grasp.  

Sometimes it is easier to give up hope than to hold on to something that brings with it such pain and uncertainty.  It seems easier to let it go, to let life go and accept defeat.  We wonder why we hope anyway?  But at times when hope seems like a cruel joke meant to terrorize the tender shoots of vision, of vulnerability, of boldness struggling to find some light, hope reminds me that there is no cruelty here.  The gift of hope becomes rain poured over cracked, broken dreams, that somehow forces life to break through the soil and find their way towards the sun.

Hope is an anchor

Hope keeps me anchored and rooted, not to my dreams, but to Him.  Though my dreams can be uncertain and faithful, He alone is faithful.  The goals for my life cannot provide peace or strength or sustenance on this sometimes desolate journey.  Only God can provide any semblance of peace. Strength. 

Hope alone calms me, calls me, reminds me of my core identity as Lisa, the Beloved of her Father. Hope holds all things —my tears, my sorrows, my deepest cravings for things I feel I cannot live without. Hope holds my past, my present, and my future.  

So when your hope has run dry, when the mountain ahead seems insurmountable, go ahead, jump in the game, climb on His back.  He’s got this big old thing called life.  Yeah, He’s got it right in the palm of his hands.

I’ve tried it so many times without Him.  There have been days that I sat and told Him, yes I looked Him right in the eyes and told Him I wanted to do things my way.  But my way has always led me right back here.  Usually exhausted.  Defeated. Hope-less.

So where is there left to run to?  I’m either all-in this “hope thing” or I’m all-out.  And I’ve got to be in.  

The truth is, none of us knows what lies ahead.  We don’t know if or when we’re going to see the tiny visions we’ve carried for so long in our hearts burst forth and see the light of day.  We don’t.  In this life there are no guarantees.  Like my daddy used to tell me, the only thing that’s guaranteed is death and taxes.  I didn’t know then how right he was.

Hope would be easier to hold if it had a date on our calendar or a place on the map.  Easier to believe if someone whispered the answer in your ears. But hope isn’t a location, I’ve come to learn the hard way. Hope isn’t a destination —Hope is a person.  

We can keep telling ourselves that hope will come tomorrow, or we can start living with Hope today. Choosing Hope right here, right now. Wherever you are.  Whatever you face.

Choosing Hope

What are you choosing today? Are you choosing doubt, despair, fear, paralysis?  Are you choosing isolation, loneliness?

Or are you choosing Hope? Will you leave behind the cynical voice inside your head that tells you that nothing good happens for you?  Will you uncross the arms of distance that keeps you safe from stepping into your future and taking the risk of going all-in —no safety net underneath you, no guarantees for success?  

Will you open your heart and remember that Hope isn’t some elusive thing out there.  Hope is right here —inside your heart.  Hope is the place you start from, not the place you end. Hope hopes —in all things, for all things.  Because Hope hung on a cross and died for our wounds, our transgressions, our most broken places….Hope endures, comes alive, is a promise for all of us.

Hope isn’t some elusive thing out there. Hope is right here —inside your heart. Hope is the place you start from, not the place you end. Hope hopes —in all things, for all things. Because Hope hung on a cross and died for our wounds, our transgressi…

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Yeah, I heard that dreaded sound.  I felt that familiar ache in my chest. And I chose Hope anyway.

What will you choose?

About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



The One Thing Your New Year Needs Most

The One Thing Your New Year Needs Most

The busyness of the holidays is over. 

The tornado that has been swirling since October is beginning to dissipate and I feel like I might just be able to come up for air.  Exhale —inhale.  

New endings and new beginnings.  Just like that.

I exhale reflections of times past, opportunities seized and opportunities lost.  Perhaps.  There are milestones and gravestones.  I measure the beautiful people and experiences that have meandered across my cobbled little path on my journey and give thanks.

I inhale new hope (which at times is so hard), as well as new visions.  More than anything I am learning to inhale what matters more to me than anything —and that is the gift of presence.

Years ago I read this quote by Henri Nouwen that speaks so powerfully to my own ideals and selfish agendas:

            “More and more, the desire grows in me simply to walk around, greet people, enter their homes, sit on their doorsteps, play ball, throw water, and be known as someone who wants to live with them. It is a privilege to have the time to practice this simple ministry of presence. Still, it is not as simple as it seems. My own desire to be useful, to do something significant, or to be part of some impressive project is so strong that soon my time is taken up by meetings, conferences, study groups, and workshops that prevent me from walking the streets. It is difficult not to have plans, not to organize people around an urgent cause, and not to feel that you are working directly for social progress. But I wonder more and more if the first thing shouldn’t be to know people by name, to eat and drink with them, to listen to their stories and tell your own, and to let them know with words, handshakes, and hugs that you do not simply like them, but truly love them.”

I recognize the ministry of presence, as Nouwen describes, is not about being social.  It is about being intentional.  Intentional with what matters most to God —His children. In the truest sense, one cannot truly experience the presence of another until he has experienced the presence of himself (and survived).  And one cannot —cannotexperience the full presence of himself unless he has encountered and embraced the Presence of Abba, Father.  God.  Through His Son Jesus Christ.

For anyone who is done with all of the typical New Year's resolutions, this is truly the one thing your new year needs most!

So as you move into this new year, as you exhale what has been and inhale what will be, skip the lists, forgo the agenda.  Focus instead on the ministry of presence, and watch the transformation that unfolds. 

Make time to encounter God each day. 

I know, I know. Sounds so simple.  Yet when was the last time you were fully present with God? When did you last silence the noise of the world and still the clamoring of your heart to simply BE in the Presence of God?  To settle in and experience your belovedness.  Nothing else.  Just your belovedness.

Maybe this is already a daily practice for you, maybe it sounds completely foreign.  I encourage you this year to make the ministry of Presence first and foremost with your Father.  Visit with Him.  Sit in solitude with Him.  Breathe deeply in His Presence.  Pour your heart out to Him, read about Him in His Word. 

He will transform you. His Word says it and we can know it is true.  We will find nothing that fills our souls, nothing that completes us, or gives us the meaning we are searching for other than the One who created us.  Breathed His life into us.  Called us His own.  Invite Him into your heart today.  Invite Him into your schedule this year.

Carve out time to nourish your soul.

We know scientifically that good self-care reduces stress, lowers anxiety and depression.  But caring for our souls takes us on a lifelong journey of healing, of growth, of self-discovery.  

Since we are God’s creation and He thought what He created was good, shouldn’t we spend time getting to know ourselves —our physical and emotional identities, our ways of experiencing the world around us, our passions and purpose?  Shouldn’t we better understand why we think, feel, and engage the way we do so that we can continue on our healing journeys and allow God to transform those areas of our heart?

Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character. Blessed is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul.

Author Unknown

Soul-care is not selfish. It isn’t.  And it isn’t self-centered.  It is being rooted and planted in Christ, and becoming intentional to grow a solid, strong identity so that we can give ourselves fully to those He has called us to serve.  And love. That is the ministry of presence.

Carve out time to have a coffee and breathe.  Settle into your body.  Feel the feelings that have become buried or discarded throughout the day.  Name your feelings.  Be present with them.  Understand them.  Talk yourself through them.  Release them to the Father.

Be intentional about nurturing your relationships.

As Nouwen says, our desires tend to focus on tasks, agendas, schedules.  They seem so safe.  At times the ministry of presence with others can feel unsafe.  Humans are broken and our brokenness makes the terrain of relationships potentially messy.

Yet the ministry of presence is precisely what God calls each of us to embrace.  No one will remember the size of your bank account. They won’t remember the award you won at work.  They will remember being with you and experiencing the beauty, the love, the life and everything in between with you.  They will remember the experience of His presence pouring through you.  Love.  God’s love.

So as I enter these first few moments of the new year, this is my focus:

Exhale—My disappointments . My failures.  My sorrows. Inhale— God’s love, His delight, His compassion.

Exhale —My agenda, my plans, my desires.  Inhale —the ministry of presence with God, with myself, with others.

Exhale —Discouragement, doubt, comparison.  Inhale —hope, contentment, gratitude.  

And gratitude brings with it joy.  Joy tells us that while things are going haywire in this world, God is in control.  Joy tells us that in the face of the world’s definition of success, we are enough.  Joy finds itself alive when our hearts are most settled in the Father’s presence.

That is where I want to be in 2019 —settled in His presence.  

How about you?

About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



The Key To Being The Light and Becoming a Grace-Giver This Christmas

The Key To Being The Light and Becoming a Grace-Giver This ChristmasThe Key To Being The Light and Becoming a Grace-Giver This Christmas

That one lone candle burning, multiplied by hundreds across the auditorium singing, ‘Silent Night, Holy Night,’ almost as if the flames flickering together whispered that enough light could change the whole world.  

When Believers stop being the light, what else is left to shine into the darkness?

We need the Light, and we need our light to give eternal hope to those who have little in this Christmas season and throughout the year.

A young woman is selling crafts in a booth, putting everything on the line to make this little business of hers survive.With a smile on her face, she greets a customer wearing a bright red ‘Jesus Is The Reason For The Season’ sweatshirt, who mocks her products, her prices, and caustically informs her that she could buy these items cheaper online.Her heart sinks.Her spirit wanes.Does anyone know she’s barely making it?Does anyone care that she’s just holding on by a thread?

A man is waiting on his last table after working two double-shifts.His arms are heavy, his mind distracted, and after hearing the man at the table say grace in one breath, he felt the sweltering weight of his attacks come at him hard in the next breath—all for a simple mistake.

Everyone is looking for a fight, it seems.Everyone is ready to pounce, ready to spoil, ready to curse anyone who steps in our way.Even Believers.Yes, even us.

A Heart of Grace

Life doesn’t always offer us much grace, but we all are starved for grace to keep us going, to put one foot in front of the other, and fight our battles for one more day.

The essence of salvation is the heart of grace.

Wasn’t Grace what was offered to us when we were at our lowest, broken place, wallowing in our sin? Isn’t Grace the gift of the Christ child that was always meant to be given away?

But it’s easy to lose our grace-gift when life steps in and slams the door on us, knocking us off our feet.Sometimes our vision gets blurred and we can’t see the Light or feel Grace holding us up.Our grace-gift gets bruised by life’s disappointments and forgotten by today’s tragedies.

Sometimes it seems we can’t afford any grace.Grace for ourselves, or grace for others.

If there is no grace, there is no light, and if there is no light, who will shine the Light into the darkness?

The Wise not only still follow the Light, seek the Light — they become the Light._Ann Voskamp

Becoming a Grace-Giver

So my heart nods as my head determines to focus this Christmas on giving Grace-gifts —Grace that sees others, that bends in and listens, that gives and loves, and offers blessing wherever I am going, whatever I am doing.

Because our neighbors need Grace to know they matter, our co-workers need Grace to know we care.The girl at the craft show, and the man waiting tables need Grace, too, to let them know their life matters to God and to us, and that they are not alone in this cold, hardened world.

And the greatest news is this: the more Grace we offer the world, the more Grace comes in and fills our hearts —from the bottom up, full to overflowing.

Grace begets more Grace.And Light begets more Light.

So let’s sow Grace wherever we go this Christmas season.Scatter it far and wide— in the most grace-less places, the most hardened heart-soil.We all need more Grace, not less.

[click_to_tweet tweet="So let’s sow Grace wherever we go this Christmas season.  Scatter it far and wide— in the most grace-less places, the most hardened heart-soil.  We all need more Grace, not less." quote="So let’s sow Grace wherever we go this Christmas season.  Scatter it far and wide— in the most grace-less places, the most hardened heart-soil.  We all need more Grace, not less."]

You need Grace to waken your spirit and give you Life.

You need Grace to remember that you are a child of God and that you are enough.

You need Grace to hang onto when you can’t see the road ahead and you can’t find much of anything to steady your faltering steps.

You need Grace to keep getting out of bed while hoping for a better day.

You need Grace to rescue you when your fears have overwhelmed your dreams, and you’re too battered and too weary to risk reaching out one more time.

Fear tells us to never trust anyone, but Grace tells us we can trust the One who gave us EVERYTHING.

Grace-givers know we are all moving forward on or journey, but we don’t have to walk alone.

Grace-givers believe that every word is a gift, and every moment an opportunity to help encourage someone along their way.

Grace-givers know that seeds scattered wide will reap a harvest of life and light.

Somehow I notice the little light at the top of the tree gives out the brightest light.As if the Light reminds me that He can illuminate my dimmest, hopeless, doubting places, too, and give me Grace that shines brighter than the stars.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



When You’re Scattered and Longing For Something Different This Holiday Season

When You're Scattered and Longing For Something Different This HolidayWhen You're Scattered and Longing For Something Different This Holiday


The pieces of my heart and mind can become lost in a whirlwind of confusion this time of year.

Everything comes at me at once, demanding my attention, claiming unmeasured corners of my heart.

Every January as I reflect back on the holidays, there is a yearning for more time, fewer activities, less exhaustion —more meaning.

Standing at the doorway of this holiday season, sometimes I wonder if all of the festivities and facades, decorations and demands, scream to the baby, that there is no room in the inn of my heart —no room to welcome Him, to worship Him, to be undone by Him, the miracle of His presence and joy of the moment.  This moment. 

The enemy delights in ‘scattered.’A scattered heart is a weary heart.A scattered heart cannot fully embrace or experience the gift of the Christ child.

Because Christ came to earth to gather together all that the enemy has scattered, He pours His love down over the disease, the wounds, all of the brokenness places in our hearts.He redeems, He restores, He heals totally, completely.We are no longer scattered to the wind.He calls us, draws us to Himself to make us whole.

So I am committed to approaching this season perhaps differently than I have in the past.I am focused, not on less, but on best.Purposed not on more, but on core.

Here are a few principles I am learning to help experience something different this holiday season.

Appoint the days leading up to Christmas.

‘Appoint’actually means to, determine or decide on (a time or a place), to assign a job or a role. The theological definition adds a focus on the appointing, consecrating, or commissioning of persons for special service to the Lord and his people.

Stumbling slowly, numbly through the holidays, I somehow allow the season to happen to me, bombarding me with unwieldy and unforgiving demands, only to waken and find my body exhausted, my spirit weakened, and my mind distracted with lots of ‘good’ things.Yet good isn’t necessarily God’s best for our hearts, our days, or this season. 

Don’t let you days determine your life.Let your life determine your days.And don’t just let your days go by.Prepare them, that they may become vessels of blessing and life.Appoint your days or the purposes of the Most High._Jonathan Cahn

Perhaps we miss the deepest meaning because we failed to appoint our days, forgot to consecrate our schedules and our hearts with holy.Before this season begins, I want to prayerfully appoint, consecrate, and plan my days so they don’t overtake me, but rather they fill me with hope, with clarity, and with purpose.

How can you appoint your days this holiday season?

What needs to go?What needs to stay?

How have you made room for Jesus to meet you this Christmas?

Focus more on meaning this Christmas.

Yes, there are loads of fun activities, rituals, and parties that come my way, but are they all meant for me or my family?Somehow the packing-in of schedules and stuff scatters us, preventing us from maximizing meaning for the season, numbing our hearts from being fractured and undone by a baby born in a manger.

All the Christmas presents in the world are worth nothing without the presence of Christ. _David Jeremiah

In our busyness, would we miss the star in the sky that caught the attention of the wise men and guided their journey towards Messiah?Would we be deafened from hearing the angelic voices tell the shepherds’ that the Savior, Christ, was born in Bethlehem?

Off to one side sits a group of shepherds. They sit silently on the floor, perhaps perplexed, perhaps in awe, no doubt in amazement. Their night watch had been interrupted by an explosion of light from heaven and a symphony of angels. God goes to those who have time to hear him–and so on this cloudless night he went to simple shepherds. _Max Lucado

Finding meaning means eliminating the things that distract us or dull our soul-senses from being awestruck by the baby’s birth, that prevent us from falling at His feet in worship and adoration.

Where do you find the most meaning this holiday season?

What distracts you from experiencing the awe an wonder of Christmas?

What deafens you to the voice of Christ this season and throughout the year?

How can you walk away from scattered senses this Christmas, and move toward whole-hearted, meaning-filled, consecrated worship?

Scattered never leaves anything but a mess —at least for me.Let’s embrace something different this year.Let’s appoint our days, focus on meaning.  Let’s look for the star and listen for the angels.  They’re there.  We will experience Christmas, we will experience Christ —if we lift our eyes, tune our ears, and make room in our hearts to welcome Messiah.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



When We’re Searching For Purpose In Every Season of Our Lives

When We're Searching For Purpose In Every Season of Our LivesWhen We're Searching For Purpose In Every Season of Our Lives

My birthday’s coming. It’s right around the bend.  

My husband threw me this beautiful shindig to honor the occasion.On a perfect late summer evening with the perfect sky, he gathered my favorite people along with some beautiful music and food, to help celebrate.

Fifty is a big birthday.A hallmark, they say.

One of those moments that causes you to pause and re-evaluate everything – the beginning from the ending, to determine where you are in the middle of it all and what it all means anyway.

Birthdays are markers of purpose, marking more than just the passing of time, but marking the quality of time, whispering in our ears if we’ve lived well, walked well, stayed close to the side of the One who has called us and is guiding our journey.

I believe birthdays are like the days leading up to New Year’s Day.They are times to reflect, to be thankful, to heal, to dream, to cast new visions, and to open ourselves to the blowing wind of the Holy Spirit in order to measure our steps and appoint our days.

This birthday has been particularly challenging.The number itself means little.I’m proud of the fifty years I’ve traversed this meager little corner of the universe.

What’s been particularly difficult has been the pressure from external voices around me.I keep hearing people describe being 50 yrs old like the best is over, like life is winding down, like I am now living the denouement of my story.Somehow I’m supposed to be settling in, relaxing, surrendering as I meander quietly into the sunset.

That’s what gets all over my wiry, 5ft 7inches of grit-and-girl self.

This birthday as I see it, is a beautiful gift of humility and gratitude, for the older I get the more I realize my story is more about the people God has miraculously infused to teach me, encourage me, to build me for the work to which I am called today. These are the heroes of grace, who willingly poured themselves into my life to befriend, to accept, to make a difference.

So as I stand here on the eve of this birthday season, I need to declare —I’m not done.

God is still at work in my life.The story of my life is not yet finished.I have no need of a beguiling stallion to ride me off into the sunset.

Moving in the direction of healing will always be the cornerstone of my life.And God’s healing doesn’t come with an expiration date.His purpose doesn’t end with a number.It doesn’t.

If you are struggling with purpose today, here are a few things I’m discovering about God’s purpose for my life through the seasons, even at fifty years old!

When we are seeking Him, His purposes are being accomplished in our lives

I used to live feeling the weight of the world on my shoulder.I was young and naïve, believing that I had to work, to strive, to do in order to accomplish His purposes for my life.

The older I’ve become, I’m learning that God never intended that I carry such a heavy weight.Jesus says to take His yoke, that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

My job is to walk by His side, to follow in His steps, to move in the direction of Him.He accomplishes the rest.Though I can’t know what that will look like, can’t predict the end result, I can rest knowing that, The one who calls [us] is faithful, and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24,NIV)

Philippians 2:13(NIV) adds, For it is God who works in [us] to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

What peace, what relief!His purposes for me are not dependent on me, but on Him, and we can trust Him because He is faithful and He will do it.He is doing it.Rest. Trust Him today.

We can trust His purposes for us are good

I spent a huge part of my twenties believing that God was playing a trick on me, trying to dupe me out of His blessing, making His will like a corn maze that never had an ending, but always left me lost and in a state of perpetual confusion.

Growing to know Him, His character, His heart towards me as His Beloved, I now know His plans and purposes for me are good.He loves His children.His desire to bless us, to give us a hope and a future is sure.

Jeremiah 29:11(NIV) says, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Do you believe God is trustworthy today?Do you believe in your heart that His plans for you are good? If not, what stands in your way?

When we look at God, we will either see our wounds or we will see Him.Our scars or His beauty.Our cynicism or His faithfulness.

What do you see?

His purpose for us is always to pursue holy

We live in a culture that tells us constantly that God has BIG things for us, that our greatest dreams are right at our fingertips.I just don’t know that I buy it anymore.Or want it, for that matter.I can’t find it in Scripture.

At times I’ve fallen victim to believing God’s purpose involves a stadium, a book tour, my name in lights.That is seldom His desire.His desire for each of us is simple.Pursue holy right where we are.Embrace holy.Become holy.

Joshua 24:15(NIV) states that we will each have to make a choice, saying, But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

In 2 Timothy 1:9(NIV), Timothy describes God’s calling, He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

Micah 6:8(NIV) echoes this by saying, He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humblywith your God.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, are you pursuing holy?Do you wake up in the morning with the heartbeat to live and serve the Lord?Do you make it your aim to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly?

It’s really that simple.

What has God given you to do today?  Do it. Do it with all of your heart.

We don’t have to wait until we’re fifty, sixty, or even seventy years old to discover His purpose.We can live it right in this moment.

Turning fifty is a blessing.I know I’m not done. I know God’s not done.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for each of us.Whatever it is, I know it is good, because He is good. Yes, good.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Three Ways To Reject Entitlement and Reclaim a Heart of Abundance

Three Ways To Reject Entitlement and Reclaim a Heart of AbundanceThree Ways To Reject Entitlement and Reclaim a Heart of Abundance

I’ve never seen barns so full while hearts are so empty.Never believed one could have everything and nothing at the same time.Yet they do.We do.  

Scarcity is all around us.In the middle of a field of crops so big and wide and deep, souls everywhere are starving, empty, hopeless.

I see it in our schools.I see it in our communities.I see it in our homes.

Hearts that scream,

I want…

I need…

I deserve…

Only the best…

Give me now…

We have so much, yet we are filled so little.Like God’s telling us time and again that the only thing worth filling our souls with is the infinite presence of His love.The gift of Himself.

For anyone who has felt the emptiness of entitlement and who longs for something more!For anyone who has felt the emptiness of entitlement and who longs for something more!

Most of us are less concerned with His presence and more concerned with His presents.

We are.We have become entitled. And it’s not just our kids.We grownups want to be happy, we are driven to be happy. We think the phrase, ‘happiness is next to Godliness’ is somewhere in the Bible and we settle our hearts on a never-ending claim to possess it, meanwhile throwing out any notion of searching for, leaning in, clinging on, to the One thing that will speak to us the truth .His truth.His directions for how we should live, love, lead, and work.

We merely cry out for Him to bless our mess.

And we wonder why our hearts are empty.We wonder why we don’t experience the abundance we desire so much.

Beloved, there is a difference between knowing who Christ is in our heads and knowing who He is as the Savior and Lord of our hearts.Do we even know what Lordship means?Do our kids?

We want the kinship without the Kingship.The rights of salvation without the responsibility of salvation.The life of entitlement without the way of the cross.

We live lives of abundance, but our hearts are often barren, scarce.Entitlement robs us of faith and leaves us emptied of soul and spirit.

Here are three ways we can reject entitlement in our hearts and our homes, and fill our lives with hope, abundance, and most of all peace.

Discipline our minds with truth.

We must learn to filter the thoughts in our minds that tell us lies about who we are or what we deserve.Minds filled with truth recognize our pitiful position as well as our desperate need for our Father.Minds filled with truth leave us both humbled and grateful for every good gift that comes our way.

The truth is,

I want, but I don’t need…

I need, but I can trust His hand and His timing…

I don’t deserve anything but eternal separation from God…

Only my best, is what I desire to give God and give others…

My soul waits upon the Lord.He is faithful…

2 Cor 10:5 (NIV) tells us that, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Phil 4:8 (NIV) adds, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

To read more about what will fill us, read, The Only Remedy For the Hole Inside Our Hearts!

Fuel our destiny with responsibility.

We have robbed our children of their God-given destiny because, in our efforts to remove their struggle, we have removed their responsibility.

We all need responsibility.Personal responsibility.We need to understand directly the consequences of our actions and feel the fire that is sparked when the work of our hands meets God’s cadence and divine destiny awakens in every cell of our being.

That, my friends, is exciting!Passion and purpose rarely strike like lightning out of nowhere.They are cultivated, nurtured, like the five virgins who carefully and wisely prepared their lamps for the Bridegroom to arrive. (Matt 25:1-13)

How are you nurturing your destiny?Are you sitting back, waiting for destiny to greet you at your door, are you blaming others for its seeming delay, or are you preparing for its arrival with hard work, faithfulness, diligence and perseverance?

Do whatever is in front of you today.  Do it well. Give God your best and your destiny will be blessed and bountiful.

Col 3:23-24 (NIV) teaches, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Infuse our hearts with gratitude.

A grateful heart is an abundant heart.Hearts that grumble and complain are never happy.Eyes that envy and seek their own satisfaction are rarely ever satisfied.

Wherever you are today, you can claim abundance.Want to be full?Start by listing the things for which you are grateful.Want to be rich?Start by thanking God for His gracious blessings in your life.

Do it and see what happens.

1 Thess 5:18 (NIV) encourages us to, Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I see God reclaiming His people.I see Him pouring Himself in us and through us.I see us becoming His hands and feet to the world around us right where we are, doing His will with whatever and whoever is in front of us.I see chains being broken and lives being changed.Hearts redeemed.

I see a storehouse filled to overflowing with God’s spirit.I see barns and businesses, homes and hopes, alive, awakened…abundant.I see His presence moving in and through us like never before.

Will you believe it with me?Will you cast aside entitlement?Will you join me in rediscovering the Biblical mindset of truth, responsibility, and gratitude?  Will you help pass it down to our children?


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



For the Weary and Wounded, There is Always Room in the House Called Mercy

For the Weary and Wounded, There Is Always Room in the House Called MercyFor the Weary and Wounded, There Is Always Room in the House Called Mercy

His eyes were piercing.As we sat down, he began to tell me his story —of growing up in a small town in east Texas, of doing meth, dealing meth, of living life in the darkness of racism that hung as a heavy shadow over his Aryan community.

He didn’t want change at first, didn’t know what change was, what hope was, what mercy felt like in this savage world of survival.With a dad nowhere to be found, there was a hole so big in his heart that was longing to be filled.All he wanted was to be accepted, wanted, loved.Don’t we all?

That’s when Mercy called.When he was at his lowest, fighting a bacteria from some bad drugs that had left his arm wide open and perhaps his heart wide open, too —that’s when someone reached out and asked Donovan if he was ready, if he had had enough?Backed into a corner with few options, he said ‘yes,’ he left behind his son and his mom, and showed up at the front steps of this new season, new life.

Salvador’s journey led him to a courtroom with 17 years in prison staring him in the face.No one was on his side, it seemed.No one except Mercy. Sitting in the courtroom, hearing the judge read off the harshest sentences one by one to those before him, hope began to fade.

Even his probation officer spoke against him.Yet God stepped in and the house called Mercy became his home.He left behind his family and his kids, too.He walked away from the streets, the dealing, everything he thought he needed to live, to discover the One he couldn’t live without.

He had heard about this person called Jesus in jail, began thinking about Him, reading about Him, until the day came when he embraced Him with his whole heart.

Jamie was the oldest of these Mercy House guys.At 36 years old, he had a wife, kids, faith —and an addiction that destroyed everything he thought he had built.Having already been in two prior Christian men’s programs, this was his last hope.

And Mercy, just as steady as a rock, reached out and claimed him as its own.Pouring into him new life, new skills, an entirely new way of dealing with his thoughts and emotions, Jamie began to embrace his faith and his brokenness differently than he had ever done before.

Mark came from a different world, a different state, a different life.His was not a story of poverty, of abandonment, yet the addiction that held him captive for years was no less powerful.

Little by little God began to speak to him about this place called Mercy.He resisted, he ran as far as he could, he pushed back against the notion of help.And then the day came when he relented.Gave in.Gave up everything to make his way to this new place, this new home, with new hope for a new future.

Though each of our stories may be different than Donovan’s, Salvador’s, Jamie’s, or Mark’s, though we may never have been held captive by addiction like these men, we were each in our own broken story, writing the lines of our own addictions, our own wounds, our own depravity.

We will all have to choose to either live in our brokenness or grab hold of God’s mercy and let it transform us totally, completely. 

This is the first work of God—that He is merciful to all who are ready to do without their own opinion, right, wisdom, and all spiritual goods, and willing to be poor in spirit.– Martin Luther

Brokenness will always lead us to despair, but Hope will always be calling, and Mercy will always know us by name.

There are three lessons I learned from my visit with the Mercy House men that remain true for each of us on our spiritual journeys.

It is never too late to be rescued by Mercy.

We say, No, not me.I’m good.

You’re not.We’re not.We are all broken.We all need a life-altering encounter with the person of Jesus.We need to be rescued from ourselves —our sin, our diseases.

As the foundation for God’s Covenant, mercy then comes to be seen as, the quality in God that directs him to forge a relationship with people who absolutely do not deserve to be in relationship with him. Mercy is manifested in God's activity on behalf of his people to free them from slavery.

Several Hebrew words are associated with God’s mercy.Kapporeth– means ransom, propitiation, or mercy seat. Racham – means to love, to have compassion, or to show mercy.Chesed – means goodness, kindness, mercifulness, or loving-kindness.

Mercy is the gift from a compassionate, loving, good God that pays the ransom and removes the consequences that we deserve, giving us a new beginning, a new chance, a brand new life.

1 Peter 2:10 (NIV) tells us, Once you were not a people; but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

James 5:11 (NIV) shares,As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

Titus 3:5 (NIV) declares, He saved us not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.

No matter where you are, what your addiction is —to alcohol, to drugs, to food, to perfection, to people, to things— it is never too late to be rescued by God's mercy.

Call out.Reach out.God will meet you right where you are and will rescue you from everything that hangs as a noose around your neck and threatens to crack beneath you and destroy your life.  He will save you.He is the Savior of the world.Of me, of you.Trust Him.

When Mercy calls, it will change your life and change your name.

Where we each were once called by our sin, our shame.

We were called:

- failure







But God's mercy changes us from the inside out, gives us a new chance, a new future, a new name.

Mercy sees us and calls us:








By what name do you call yourself?  In what kind of environment do you reside? Do you reside with shame and allow it to define your heart and your future?Or do you live in a house called Mercy, filled with compassion and kindness?Do you let Mercy Himself define your identity and direct your steps?

Your name is your identity.Declare your identity as the Beloved.Cling to it.Allow it to seep into every cell of your being and keep you close to the Father.You are His child.Your position in His family is secure.Nothing and no one can change that one fact.

Isaiah 62:2 (NIV) tells us, The nations will see vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow.

What is your new name?What do you need to call yourself?Begin calling yourself that today.Begin claiming it as your own.It will shape your future and awaken God’s destiny for your life.

There comes a time when we have to step out and live Mercy.

We all have times and seasons where God draws us to Himself for a time of healing, believing, growing, and dreaming.We love this house called Mercy.We love its safety and its peace.It reminds us how God never gave up on us.How He filled us with His grace and mercy.

And it is His mercy that we must now live.There always comes a time when we must leave this place and learn how to carry His mercy with us deep in our souls as we enter a new season with God.

Tucking the Gospel of Jesus in our hearts, we begin to extend that same love and mercy to those around us.We must move into our lives, our homes, our relationships, our workplace, and bring His mercy with us.Speak mercy.Pray mercy.Live mercy.

We are not as we once were.We are no longer blind, our faith no longer tender shoots that bend and sway with the wind.

We are maturing, growing stronger, steadier by the day.

We will stagnate if we stay.We must step out and live Mercy.

God has a plan and a purpose for each one of us.If we hold fast to mercy, if we stay close to His side, abiding in His love, He will bring His will to pass in our lives. We will be pouring mercy into other people’s lives. We will find our purpose.We will be living our destiny.

I Thess 5:24 (NIV)tells us, The One who called you is faithful and He will do it.

Do you trust Him enough to follow Him?Do you believe He has brought you this far?

Why then, would He bring you this far just to abandon you, or forsake you?  The answer is —He wouldn’t.

My encounter with a house called Mercy was stunning, compassion-stirring, captivating.I did not walk away unchanged.

What will you do with Mercy?Will you let it overwhelm you, stir you, captivate you?Above all, please don’t walk away from God's mercy unchanged.Let His mercy rescue you, let mercy give you a new name, let it transform you so that you can give it away in every situation and every circumstance.

One step at a time.One person at a time.

I want to ask each one of my readers, Will you take one of the names of the men listed in this post and will you write it down and commit to pray for them?Will you participate in the work that God is doing in their lives?


Mercy House

Mercy House is a biblically based, one-year residential program that daily invests in men to empower them to live out their best lives – free from addiction, rooted in their worth and purpose, and making a positive impact in the community around them.

Men who are trapped in addiction and life-controlling behaviors are being holistically transformed and launched into a lifetime of freedom, purpose, and life-giving community.

Men of Mercy House Video

Mercy House Facebook Link

If you or a loved one who struggles with addiction, please reach out!


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Because It Takes a Warrior Mindset to Win The Spiritual Mind War #BattleReadyBook

Because It Takes a Warrior Mindset to Win The Spiritual Mind WarBecause It Takes a Warrior Mindset to Win The Spiritual Mind War

It steals in quietly before the first flicker of dawn.  It’s grey shadows move across my unconscious mind, hovering overhead, bearing down on my disquieted sleep.

One tiny thought disrupts any hope of peaceful rest and within an instant pulls me under, dragging me into the deep where thoughts swallow me whole like the whale that swallowed Jonah.

Fear.Cold, callous fear.At times, fear consumes me before I can even catch my breath.

An enigmatic enemy, a formidable foe and an opportunistic oppressor, fear steals the ground underneath my feet and leaves me hanging by a thread.Lost, without hope.

Hopelessness betrays any prospect of faith and holds me both terrorized and terrified by the deep pangs of fear itself.My body knows the tremors.It has memorized the movements within and almost instinctively sways underneath such a fierce weight.

Charles Spurgeon once said of fear,

The worst evils of life are those which do not exist except in our imagination. If we had no troubles but real troubles, we should not have a tenth part of our present sorrows. We feel a thousand deaths in fearing one, but the (Christian) is cured of the disease of fearing.

Sometimes my battle with fear has gotten the best of me, but I’m no longer surrendering the fight in my effort to escape its terror.I’m not sitting back, waiting for its mighty force to invade my peace sanctuary.No longer holding my breath in dread, hoping it somehow passes me by, because in reality, it never does.

I’m learning to attack it…with a vengeance.This is all-out war and I’m in training to become a mind warrior, a thought gladiator.I’m purposing myself for the fight and I’m going in battle-ready!

No matter what our struggle is, be it fear, panic, worry, or despair, the battle will be won or lost in our minds and as Christians, we have so many tools to fight the spiritual battle —and win.Here are three truthsI’ve learned from the book, Battle Ready: Train Your Mind to Conquer Challenges, Defeat Doubt, and Live Victoriouslyby Kelly Balarie, that can equip each of us —because it takes a warrior mindset to win the spiritual mind war!

#1 Truth —We have a spiritual enemy who is trying to defeat us

Sometimes we lose focus.Sometimes the circumstances of life distract and overwhelm us to the point we forget the most important thing —this is war, and we better prepare ourselves to win, or be prepared to lose.

It’s that simple.

Ephesians 6:12(NIV) says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

I Peter 5:8-9(NIV) also says that, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

They say the best defense is offense. That’s why we don’t have the choice of sitting back, of settling in, or of living our spiritual life on cruise control.

And God is right here in the battle with us. He sees us in our struggles, He understands every sorrow and every soul ache.He stands there waiting for us —to lead us, guide us, coach us and strengthen us for the fight.He wants us to be aware so that we can be prepared.

We have an enemy who is trying to defeat us…but we know that, the One who is in [us] is greater than the one who is in the world. (I John 4:4, NIV)

We’ve got this, if we lean in and seize it.

#2 Truth —We can become mind warriors for a spiritual mind war

We don’t always have to run from the demons in the headlights.We don’t have to cower at the thought of battle.We don’t.

Our power comes from within.Christ in us, the hope of glory, lives within and He gives us the supernatural power to take back the negative thought-patterns, the destructive beliefs about ourselves and others, and reclaim our minds as God’s territory.

In Battle Ready,Kelly Balarie states, The thoughts I sow create the life I reap.

Battle Readyexplains so much about the types of negative thinking and how they form destructive neural pathways in our brains.But the great news is, our brains are flexible, a trait called neural plasticity, and what was learned can be unlearned, giving us the power to train our minds toward more hopeful, more truthful, more compassionate internal thought patterns.

Take the ‘Find Your Battle-Style Quiz’NOW and create a personalized daily battle plan !!!!!

2 Corinthians 10:5(NIV) also tells us to, demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

If the Bible commands us to take every thought captive, perhaps it is because He has already empowered us to do it. We don’t have to wait for the miracle, the miracle is here.

It is our choice whether we engage the battle to win, or sit quietly on the sidelines and settle into the rhythms of defeat, succumb to the ‘I can’t’mentality, and surrender the war that Christ has already won on our behalf.

We can become mind warriors in this spiritual war, and we can win.The battle has already been won.Let’s go claim the victory.

#3 Truth —We can prepare for battle with prayerful minds and thankful hearts

When we are focused on our fear, consumed by our circumstances, it is hard to feel prayerful or thankful for much of anything.All we see is an endless desert wasteland and all we want is to see the Promised Land.

Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, we grumble.We complain.We despair.

We say,

How did this happen?

Where is God?

Why have You not rescued me?

A prayerful mind says,

I feel overwhelmed, but I will cast all of my cares on You.

I don’t know what to do, but I will put my trust You.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I know You hold my future.

A thankful heart says,

Thank You for Your faithfulness to me in the midst of my circumstances.

Thank You for Your goodness at work in my life even when I can’t see.

Thank You for the gift of Your presence because that is all I need.

So subtle, yet so powerful.Battle Readyshares strategies to teach us how we can shift our focus and cultivate prayer and thankfulness as a battle strategy to overcome and win.

Phillippians 4:8 (NIV)encourages us, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

So when the grey shadows try to steal quietly overhead, when darkness moves in at the first light of dawn attempting to drown me in fear, I have a battle plan. You can have a battle plan, too.You can recognize the enemy.You can become mind warriors for this spiritual mind war we’re in.You can prepare for battle with prayerful minds and thankful hearts.

Our God has won, so I know we will win.We will win as long as we’re geared up and Battle Ready!

Would you take 30 seconds of your time and click here, scroll down and vote for #10 in the comments section?It’s that easy.Would you also help share across your social media platforms, encouraging others to vote as well?

Take the ‘Find Your Battle-Style Quiz’NOW and create a personalized daily battle plan !!!!!


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Why Christians Need To Talk More About Sex

Why Christians Need To Talk More About SexWhy Christians Need To Talk More About Sex

Crickets.Silence.An awkward hush.

That’s the sound heard among many groups in the church when the subject of sex surfaces.

I ask myself, Why?

Why would Christians —who know the beauty of God’s design as it is described in the Bible, who have the understanding about God’s plan for sex within our marriages —why would Christians cower in the corner and speak so little about a subject that matters so much?

It is often said that culture is upstream of politics.Yet culture wields a tremendous influence over every aspect of our lives regarding technology, education, artistic expression, and yes, sex.Culture has distilled an encompassing and powerful narrative that has shaken attitudes and beliefs about sex.

Unfortunately, many in the Christian community have refused to show up for the conversation, have ambivalently abdicated a seat at the cultural table —to equip and encourage couples with real information, real authenticity, and real power to cultivate a sexual relationship that is vulnerable, authentic, sometimes awkward, sometimes frustrating, yet more beautiful and intimate than anything we could have imagined.

Lies loom heaviest in dark places.Shame spreads where silence is the loudest.Transformation occurs when truth and compassion are spoken in the light.

Here are a few reasons why Christians need to talk more about sex:

To help heal our broken past

It’s hard to give ourselves fully to another when the pain of our past stands in the way.Past broken places.Past shame bleeds into present shame, holding us captive to fear and self-condemnation, which hangs low as a dark shadow over the corners of our hearts and prevents us from ever knowing or being known.Keeps us hidden behind stark walls of distance and disconnection.Protects us from ever climbing out of our shame-skin and making ourselves vulnerable, unmasked, and real with the person with whom we’ve chosen to spend the rest of our lives.

God doesn’t want us to live out of our past.He wants us to heal our past.He longs to restore and redeem. To see His blood washing over our souls, our minds, our aching wounds, and our most fragile broken places, so He can make us white as snow. Clean. Brand new.

He wants us to experience the freedom and boldness to embrace sex with our spouse and enjoy it fully as His good gift to us.Why don’t we as a church start talking about sexual wounds so that we can heal them? Let’s reclaim what the enemy has tried to steal.Let Him redeem and restore our past wounds in the way only He can.

To release unhealthy beliefs

Beliefs and attitudes don’t come with an easy on-off switch.I wish they did.When everything you’ve been taught is that sex is, bad-dirty-the worst, and that waiting is sure to bring amazing rewards, it is hard to wake up on your honeymoon and make the shift from puritan to sexual prowess.

Sometimes the beliefs that helped maintain our purity can hold us back from experiencing a healthy view of sexuality, and prevent us from being able to let down our guard and enjoy healthy sex with our mate.

Genesis 2:25 (NIV) states, And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Why doesn’t the church talk about sex the way God intends?Why don’t we teach our men and our women healthy attitudes that will keep us reaching towards each other instead of beliefs that keep us shut down, turned away, crying alone in the dark.

Talking about God’s plan, His desires, His purpose for sex, can inspire a God-centered perspective of purity, and lead couples into a clear understanding, with more balanced expectations so that couples everywhere can thrive.

To empower greater intimacy

God created sex to keep couples face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and soul-to-soul, listening to each other, breathing and working as one through the challenges of life.The stresses and responsibilities are constantly vying for our attention, threatening to pull us apart, subtly driving us towards the daily distractions and away from each other.Little by little we become strangers and we’re not sure just how we forgot to admire, to lean in, to cling to each other.

Sometimes we buy into the notion that, I’m too tired, is okay for life.We get comfortable.We settle in.We rarely think of the cost to our relationship. We believe the lies that it will always be there when in fact, sometimes it won’t.

There is substantial clinical research that a healthy sex life has significant health benefits for couples, and even more, feeds the emotional connection in the marriage.

Dr. Siri Greenblatt, therapist and rabbi, suggests,

Couples who are more intimate or sexually active tend to be, on the whole, more fulfilled in all areas of their life…It is a blessing to be able to come together as a couple in a way you wouldn't with any other person. That is a shared vitality between you and your partner alone, and it is sacred.

Sacred.Yes, sex is a sacred union between a husband and a wife.Healthy sex is also a sacred expression of our faith, and yes, that’s why it is so important that we start talking about it.Working through it.Grappling with it. Growing in it.

To strengthen our faith

Great sex is a parable of the Gospel—to be utterly accepted in spite of your sin, to be loved by the One you admire to the sky._Tim Keller, The Gospel and Sex

Sex teaches us how to receive one another, as God receives us.Sex is the canvas that grows our compassion and cultivates connection, not in the absence of our weaknesses or failings, but most often, in spite of them.

How much more does a healthy sex life keep us grateful to an overwhelming God who loves us, reaches towards us, and gives Himself to us in spite of our doubt, our sorrow, and distrust.

And his goal in creating human beings with personhood and passion was to make sure that there would be sexual language and sexual images that would point to the promises and the pleasures of God’s relationship to his people and our relationship to him.In other words, the ultimatereason (not the only one) why we are sexual is to make God more deeply knowable._John Piper, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

So, can we let the cat out of the bag?Can we break through the awkwardness, the silence and actually begin the conversation about sex?Can we talk about it from the pulpit without offending someone?Can we talk about it in our Bible studies without fearing we will embarrass ourselves?

So many couples struggle in the darkness.It is about time we in the church help walk them into the light.

God’s goodness is in the light.

His healing is in the light.

His understanding and hope is in the light.

His power to transform is in the light.

Let’s move past the awkwardness.Let’s bravely step out of the silence.

Let’s start talking more about sex and step into the freedom, the hope, the future that God has for us in the light!


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



How to Renew Your Mind In Truth In Order To Be "Battle Ready"

How to Renew Your Mind In Truth In Order To Be "Battle Ready"How to Renew Your Mind In Truth In Order To Be "Battle Ready"

Sometimes we find ourselves living out past lies, old misbeliefs, distorted assumptions.  We wonder why our lives keep repeating the same patterns over and over again with no relief, and certainly no transformation.  Does it get any better than this?  YES!  I'm so excited to have my friend, mentor, and faith cheerleader, Kelly Balarie, in the community today.  Kelly knows a lot about being "Battle Ready," because she has faced many battles of her own, and learned how to fight back, to renew her mind, and conquer the challenges life can bring. 

By: Kelly Balarie

Don’t doubt the power of your mind. This football-sized mass has the power to create and recreate everything in your life. This is why Jesus tells us not to conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

If we renew our mind, it is like getting a re-do on life. Rather than continuing with old patterns, ways of doing things or habits, we get an upgrade.

You know, when my boy was a baby: he spent nearly every waking hour of every night screaming crying.

My mind now, occasionally hears that baby voice of his crying late at night. He’s 6.

This traumatic time was emblazoned in my mind. The trauma is still there. The memory is still there. The fear is still there.

Another example of this is my finger. When I was a kid I had to feel for a little bump on my right hand finger (where I sucked my thumb) to know the difference between right and left. I still when, deciphering right between left, mentally think about feeling for that bump. My mind was trained in this.

When we experience something again and again, we expect it. We expect a husband to treat us a certain way. We expect pain to keep hitting us as it always has. We expect people to abandon us. Our mind tells us: this is normal. The pain you dealt with from back then is going to happen…

…unless we renew our mind.

To renew your mind is to dig up all the old lies, mistruths, perceptions and fears and to replace them with God’s truth, hope, life, grace and fullness.

It is to break the power of what was, for Who Is. The I AM.

When you know God is I AM, and you let your mind conceive that truth, he overpowers all the ways you tell yourself: I am not…, I am never…., I am going to….

Mistruths become truth when a woman dedicates her to the biblical wisdom, practical application and habit-forming strategies that come with abiding in Christ.

Do you know them? I wrote the book Battle Ready as a practical manual to help those struggling with doubt, discouragement, despair or devestation. The whole purpose of the book is to help you renew your mind with the Mind of Christ and to experience His freedom.

Many are getting touched by this message. Lives are changing. People are finding new hope.

Will you be one of them?

About Battle Ready: Train Your Mind to Conquer Challenges, Defeat Doubt & Live Victoriously

"The best time to be strengthened against the Enemy's tactics of doubt, disappointment, and devastation is before he makes his first move toward us. We all desperately needthe biblical guidance and preparation found in Battle Ready!"

Lysa TerKeurstNew York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries

Battle Ready is a hands-on scriptural plan that teaches you twelve easy-to-implement, confidence-building mind-sets designed to transform your thoughts and, therefore, your life. You'll gain practical wisdom, like how to

· make new habits stick in just five steps · disarm the seven most common attacks that plague women · exchange self-limiting thoughts for purpose-driven, love-releasing thoughts · implement thirty-second mind-lifters that deliver peace · create boundaries so you live life full of what matters

Buy Battle Ready here:

To get Battle Ready freebies - printables, devotional reminders, a customizable daily Battle Plan and the “Find Your Battle Style” quiz, visit:

To order the companion Battle Ready Daily Prayer Journalthat will help you practically change your thoughts, then your life, visit:

Kelly Balarie, an author and national speaker, is on a mission to encourage others not to give up. Through times of extreme testing, Kelly believes there is hope for every woman, every battle and in every circumstance. She shares this hope on her blog, Purposeful Faith, and on many writing publications such as Relevant, Crosswalk, and Today's Christian Woman. Kelly's work has been featured on The Today Show, 700 Club Interactive, Moody Radio and other television and radio broadcasts. When Kelly is not writing, she is chilling at the beach with her husband, a latte, and 2-toddlers who rightfully demand she build them awesome castles.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Two Reasons We Must ‘Burn The Ships’ In Our Past In Order To Claim Our Future

Two Reasons We Must 'Burn The Ships' In Our Past In Order To Claim Our FutureTwo Reasons We Must 'Burn The Ships' In Our Past In Order To Claim Our Future

  I recently read a story about Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes who, in 1519, set sail for Mexico with a total of 11 ships, 13 horses, 110 sailors, and 533 soldiers.He faced a population of five million indigenous people, which meant, the deck was slightly stacked against him as he approached land.

Previous expeditions had failed.But what Cortes did after landing was something seismic.He issued an order that turned this mission into an all-or-nothing proposition.He yelled out to his crew, Burn the ships!On his order, they set everything ablaze, watching their fleet burn before their eyes.

They had to burn everything that gave them an option for retreat, if they were going to lean-in and embrace the challenges of conquering new territory, of fighting an unknown enemy, of reaching out to lay hold of their uncertain destiny.

While the historical context of their pursuit can be debated, what I am learning about my own journey is how easy it is for me to keep one hand reaching forward into the future while tightly gripping things in my past.

As a therapist, I see the past as a necessary exploration to understand and heal so that we can successfully unhook from the powerful forces that forged an unhealthy, unbalanced, unclear identity within us. This freedom allows us to embrace a new identity, rooted and planted in the soil of our belovedness, firmly established in life-giving forces that lead to greater boldness, clarity, and strength for our future.

Like the children of Israel longed to return to slavery in Egypt, we too, have a tendency to go back to the familiar, to lean on an identity of victimization, of anger, of brokenness that has defined us, but has never yielded the life of abundance for which we’ve longed.The past can be so easy to revisit, to distill, to own as our soul-self even though it has brought no healing, no relief, certainly no life.

What I know is that at some point in our lives, each of us must make the choice —to burn the ships of our past identity in order to reach forward and cultivate our new identity in Christ, or to stay chained to our past, its influences, and heartaches and continue to live out of its power and its pain.

Here are two reasons we need to burn the ships of our past identity and claim the destiny God has for us.

You cannot bring the old into the new.

You cannot pour new wine into old wineskins.You cannot bring Egypt into the Promised Land —its beliefs, traditions, its ways.It will contaminate you.Infiltrate you.Overtake you, every time.The only way to move into and claim your new country, your new identity as God’s Beloved, healed, whole, complete, is to release all that has held you captive, all that has defined you, writing both unholy and unkind words over your life. You cannot build a new, healthy identity on an old foundation that is cracked and crumbling.

2 Cor 5:17-18 (NIV)tells us, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:

You have an idea what the new country looks like. Still, you are very much at home, although not truly at peace, in the old country. You know the ways of the old country, it’s joys and pains, its happy and sad moments. You have spent most of your days there. Even though you know that you have not found there what your heart most desires, you remain quite attached to it. It has become part of your very bones.

Now you have come to realize that you must leave it and enter the new country, where your Beloved dwells. You know that what helped and guided you in the old country no longer works, but what else do you have to go by? You are being asked to trust that you will find what you need in the new country. _Henri Nouwen – "The Inner Voice of Love"

You can burn the ships of your past.You can let go of the identity that has broken you, and brought you to this place.Right here, right now, lean forward and grab hold of the truth of your authentic self, as one who is held and loved by God.Claim compassion, kindness, truth, as your identity instead of condemnation, deception, and destruction.Claim your freedom —today.

Your past identity says:

I’m broken

I’m bad

I’m not enough

God cannot love someone like me

Others will leave me

I’m not worthy of love

Your present identity says, because of Christ:

I’m healing

I am worthy

I am enough

I am loved with an eternal love

God will never leave me

I am God’s Beloved and I am worthy of love

Burn the ships!The old country is not an option.The new country is right before your eyes.And what it has to offer you is worth it!

To read more about identity, read "How To Walk Away From Your Pain and Embrace  a Life of Peace!"

You Cannot Claim Your Destiny As Long As Plan B Is An Option

You survived your childhood, you did.You were a brave little thing. No one should have experienced, endured, or overcome so many obstacles, much less scaled the mountainous terrain that stood in your way.You made it.

But the survival skills you needed in your childhood are hurting, limiting, even destroying your life and relationships today as an adult.They squeeze you from the inside out.Suffocate any hope of something different, something new, something boldly healthy.

As long as Plan B is an option, you will always willfully linger.Subtly stagnate.Hesitation will cover each step you take and you will never gain traction, heart-momentum, or passionate vision for your healing or your future.

You must burn the ships.You must stop looking back, longingly, to the old city like Lot’s wife did.It will winnow away any hope of conquering, of claiming this new life and this new land that is yours to possess. It will leave you as dust.

Genesis 19:26 (NIV) warns, But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Your new country, your new identity is full of hope, freedom, and a future.Your relationships are safe, solid, and strong because your identity is the very same.Fear no longer holds you captive.Shame no longer calls you by name.

Your name is Beloved.Remember that —Beloved.You indeed are worthy, enough, safe, complete, whole, and prized.This is your identity and your destiny.

Burn the ships!Your future awaits you!


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



What To Do When You Are Waiting For Your Life To Bloom

What To Do When You Are Waiting For Your Life To BloomWhat To Do When You Are Waiting For Your Life To Bloom

I waited every spring for the peonies to bloom.

Tracing the edge of an earlier autumn sun, I remember so carefully digging a home for them in the soil.

I waited, anticipating their gracious blooms.My heart was desperate for their beauty.Sometimes we need beauty to remind us that our journey has a purpose, that weeds won’t ultimately betray our pain, and that life will spring forth from the dust.

Each year I tended the soil, removed any weeds from their surroundings.I watched the greenish-red shoots as they shot up from the ground.And yes, the plants grew big, though year after year they yielded no blooms.

It’s as if the night brought no morning, and these heavy labor pains bore no grace, no fulfillment for this awful stirring in my soul.

Something inside me wanted to uproot these delicate, brave stems, to find the soil of validation and comfort for my meager plants to grow.I saw other bushes in the garden swell with blossoms and desired my fragile gifts to unfurl brightly and boldly.

The purposes that God plants in our heart sometimes feel barren and fruitless.It can feel painful to hold onto unseen and often unrealized dreams, to miss the watering of tender soul-roots or the birth of their expected harvest.

I am learning, sometimes slowly, sometimes with an ache in my step and a strain on my brow, to surrender my expectation for the harvest, to reclaim my steps beside the Master.Yielding to His ways, His timing, His process for this cynical and stubborn heart of mine, forces me to remember this sacred pilgrimage is not even in the tiniest way about me.

Just as I can never force or cajole tender blossoms from my peonies, I can never coerce or demand my own vision or destiny for my life.

God knew finding my destiny would pale in comparison to finding His presence.Exercising His joy in each and every moment.Pursuing holy.

What To Do When You Are Waiting For Life To BloomWhat To Do When You Are Waiting For Life To Bloom


Henri Nouwen describes, Joy and laughter are the gifts of living in the presence of God and trusting that tomorrow is not worth worrying about.

He knew I’d have the tendency to rush the miraculous, to manage this internal metamorphosis that is transforming me into His image.Perhaps that is why He so loving spoke to me,

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? (Matt 6:25-30, NIV)

He understood the most beautiful of nature’s gifts could not satisfy the eternal cravings in my heart.He gave me the one thing He knew would fill me, heal me, mold me, and complete me.He gave me Himself.Utterly and completely.Arms spread open wide.

Practicing His presence, I’m discovering He is enough.Period.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that the subtle surrender of our ways, our wants, our hopes and dreams, frees us to settle in and enjoy the surroundings.

And on that lovely, bright, spring morning when I stepped into my garden, I discovered the most brilliant, beautiful peonies had appeared right before my eyes.

When I least expected it.Right on time.

I wait every year for the peonies to bloom.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



Why Embracing Our Brokenness Is Necessary For Us To Be Whole

image.pngWhy Embracing Our Brokenness Is Necessary For Us To Be Wholeimage.pngWhy Embracing Our Brokenness Is Necessary For Us To Be Whole

  We equate wholeness with perfection, with having it all together, with success. Yet the meaning of wholeness is perhaps just the opposite.

Wholeness, at its very core, implies rather than an absence of brokenness, the innate existence of a fractured, fragile, astoundingly imperfect self. Wholeness, is about embracing our brokenness as an integral part of life.

For most of my life, I longed to be whole. I was hungry for it. Desperate. I became vigilant, some might say obsessed with achieving, attaining. My focus was on becoming as perfect as I could be, on removing any faults or defects. For me, the finish line of success was where I would become whole.

As I walked through the “season of my undoing” and stumbled upon the door of my healing, I discovered that I could lay down this mountain of pain I had been carrying, that I didn’t have to become perfect, that I could accept, even embrace my brokenness.

Embracing my brokenness allows me breathe.

It is exhausting to carry the weight of shame and fear on my shoulders. Impossible to bear up under such an insurmountable and unforgiving oppressor – me.

My Abba Father whispered to my soul, Child, Why do you carry such a weight when my Son already carried it for you?

He hung on the cross for every broken place, every shame, every sorrow. Our past was redeemed. Our present is His gift to us, free and clear. And our future is secure. Why do we insist on placing the weight of our shame back on our shoulders?

I think that if God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost likesetting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him. _C.S. Lewis

Wholeness allows me to see myself as God sees me, through the eyes of love, of grace, of compassion as big as the universe. Through His tender, aching eyes I can see more clearly who I am. I am His beloved.

Embracing my brokenness allows me to have greater communion with others.

Comparison is the thief of intimacy. External validation is but heroin to a broken, striving soul. And thus we can never truly be with others as long as we are so terribly needy of them for our fulfillment.

We all come to the table of community broken. We are all like Peter himself, stumbling along our journeys with Jesus, bringing our mess-ups and our failings, our weakest sensibilities to our brothers and sisters in Christ. To be encouraged, strengthened, comforted, and built up together. Yes, together.

Settling into a newfound rhythm of release—from needing what others cannot give, and embracing an identity that no one can steal away—we are at once home with our brothers and sisters. Accepting their humanity allows us to embrace our own.

As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you. _C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Embracing my brokenness creates greater intimacy with God.

Nothing stands between us. No longer needing pretense to validate my existence, I can allow myself to come right up to His outstretched arms and dive in. I am utterly and divinely safe. I have no need to hide. No need to fear. He is here. He is with me. Embracing my brokenness tears down the wall and creates full, unfettered intimacy and vulnerability with the Creator of my soul.

Isaiah 53:5 (NIV) tells us, But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

How can it be? When we're naked and ashamed and alone in our brokenness, Christ envelops us with His intimate grace. When we're rejected and abandoned and feel beyond wanting, Jesus cups our face: "Come close, my Beloved." When we're dirty and tear-stained and despairing, Jesus Christ is attracted to us and proposes undying love: "All that you're carrying I take... and all that I am is yours." How do you ever get over that? _Ann VoskampThe Broken Way

Embracing my brokenness allows my authentic self to grow.

I am learning to see all the parts and pieces of me as one singular, beautiful mosaic. As I learn to hold the myriad of shapes and shards in my hands, I can finally see them through the eyes of compassion, as He sees them. This is the sacred place where God moves me from being healed to being whole.

God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever. _Vance Havner

Brokenness keeps me planted in the good soil of redemption.

Brokenness keeps me drenched in the love I cannot live without.

Brokenness is the one thing that keeps me reaching for, clinging to the Truth that molds me, and transforms me into who I am not yet, but who I am becoming.

Brokenness does not make me weak.  It  is perhaps the strongest part of who I am.

Because in my most broken, wounded, fragile places, I know He is strong.

Why Embracing Our Brokenness Is Necessary For Us To Be WholeWhy Embracing Our Brokenness Is Necessary For Us To Be Whole


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:



For Every Parent and Child Who Feels The Struggle of Being 'Raised Up'

For Every Parent and Child Who Feels The Struggle of Being 'Raised Up'For Every Parent and Child Who Feels The Struggle of Being 'Raised Up'

A conversation for every parent and child who feels the struggle of being ‘raised up:’

I know it's hard.

You’ve come up in this wild, unwieldy age of technology. So many things coming at you at once and it all feels so necessary, so now.

I know it seems that life has always been this way but it hasn’t. There was a time when homework was done with a pencil and paper, and you had to memorize your multiplication tables because there wasn’t a calculator there at your fingertips.

I remember how a boy asked a girl if she liked him on a handwritten note with one check box for yes and one for no. There were no texts, no un-friending, no ghosting. Just a bashful smile, some awkward conversation, and giggling with your friends about how cute he was.

Somehow it seemed so much simpler then.

I feel so sad that relationships have been reduced to a machine and some pictures, that make or break your hearts depending on the mood of the day and who is popular or not.

I know technology was supposed to help me stay connected to you, yet how distant I feel from you. How many times I have longed to talk with you —really talk, and share stories, share hopes and dreams, but most importantly, share the faith that’s been the foundation of this life we’ve been building.

We’ve assumed you shared our faith. Assumed you felt it to the core just like we do. You see, nothing we have is ours, none of the blessings are anything other than lovely treasures from God. Like you.

Passing Down Our Legacy of Faith

Pretty Bible verses hang on our walls and we say a blessing before every meal, but looking back I think we relied too much on Sunday School and Wednesday night youth groups to grow you up spiritually. And that was our job.

I wish I had taken more time to shut off the tv and the phone, wish we’d sat down —just you and me— to study the Bible with you, pray with you, teach you what we believe and why we believe it. To teach you that God loves you and sent His Son to die on the cross for you. Teach you what being a Christ-follower means —really means. To show you what taking up your cross and following Him looks like.

Deuteronomy 6:6–7 (NIV) states, And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

‘Cause there is so much pressure on you to be like everyone else and do like everyone else. And when they tell you it’s okay as long as you’re in love, I want you to know the truth. I want it buried in the deepest part of your heart so on that day, you rise up like that strong one I know you are and say, No, that’s not who I am.I am the Beloved and He has so much more for me than that.

I want you to know and understand that though the world will tell you, child, that you can decide what is right and wrong, and that you can pick and choose your beliefs like the pies and cakes at a potluck dinner, I want you to know you can’t.

That’s what being a Christ-follower is all about. It’s about us laying our hopes, our dreams, our values and beliefs, our identity and purpose for all that is and is to come, right down at His feet and trusting Him for all of it.

Though it’s hard and uncomfortable, and there’s too much busyness that gets in the way, I want to have these conversations with you. I need to have these conversations with you.

Raised Up To Be Ready

There will come a day when you will leave my house and will have to forge your faith in a harsh and callous world. I want you to be ready.

Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)  encourages parents to, Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Just like our Father wants each of us to be ready.

There He is waiting to talk with us, to pour Himself into us so that we are soaked in His love, His truth. And usually I’m right there scrolling through Facebook.

I get it. He wants me to rise up and be that strong woman, to say to the naysayers and the thrill-peddlers, No, that’s not who I am.I am the Beloved and He has so much more for me than that.

We’re all being raised up. Called to be set-apart. Molded into His image. So we can breathe a little hope into a hopeless world. Shine a little light into the pits of night. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to broken souls who are desperate to feel grace instead of contempt, and compassion instead of this world’s harsh condemnation.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (MSG) shares His beautiful hope for His children, Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.

We got such a work to do. You and me.

I know it’s hard, but in this age of technology and disconnect, pressure and busyness…

…it is time for each of us to rise.


About This Community

Don't we all want a little peace?  My heart for this community is to provide just that - a needed refuge from all the burdens that weigh us down, some encouragement and inspiration to keep us weary travelers moving forward on our journeys, and some practical advice to help each of us navigate the challenges of life and relationships.  Whether in our parenting, our marriages, our faith, or the broken places in our hearts, this place is for anyone who dares to reach beyond the hopelessness that surrounds us and embrace a lifestyle of emotional abundance and peace!  

About Peace for a Lifetime

In my new book, Peace for a Lifetime, I share the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with myself, God and with others. Through my story and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!

Peace for a Lifetime is available on

Book Trailer:
